Do I Need Travel Insurance?

Planning a trip and not sure if you need travel insurance? Okay, the easy answer to that is yes, you need it- Take this as a serious advice from the best travel agency in Qatar,

You may receive medical benefits if you are injured or sick, and you may be reimbursed if your expensive camera or tablet is damaged, if you need to return home if a family member is sick or injured, or if your flight is cancelled.

GoMosafer always strongly advises people to get travel insurance. It’s only costing dollars a day. We’ve seen good insurance help us and so many others, and we’ve also seen others regret being cheap and not getting good insurance.


Why You need travel insurance

So why are you in need of travel insurance? The same reason you need car insurance, home insurance, and so on. It’s insurance, something you need to make sure you don’t lose everything else you’ve got in your life in case something bad happens. Without it, you’re opening up to a lot of unnecessary risk.

Now, maybe you’re wondering, how much can it cost me if I don’t have insurance? You flew dozens of times, we presume, and you didn’t need it. Why should you bother to give some insurance company your hard-earned money?

Simple, no one’s planning for an accident to happen, that’s part of the definition of an accident. If you didn’t need to use your travel insurance on previous trips out of the country, consider yourself lucky. If you travel frequently, it is likely that sooner or later you will need it, and hospital stays in foreign countries can easily cost you tens of thousands of dollars.


What is travel insurance

So, what’s travel insurance, exactly?

As the best travel agency in Qatar, we would just word it as a Hedge Bet!

It’s a hedge bet that something is going to happen on your next trip that you’re not prepared for.

It could be a stolen phone or camera. It could be a sudden case of a nasty flu, or it could be that a car drifts and hits a truck that unloads a herd of geese that distracts a driver who almost hits you and, as you get back away, you fall down a flight of stairs. Now, it wasn’t the fall that hurt you, it was slipping on the bottom of the ice as you were dusting yourself off that broke your arm while you were trying to grab the handrail. The bad part is that when you get home, you need to use your arm and it will take 6 weeks to heal.


Travel insurance is piece of mind

And, yeah, there are incidents at home or abroad. It’s called life, it’s not plain, it’s clean, it’s not convenient. We’ve been lucky that we only needed travel insurance a few times over the course of our journeys, but it’s still something we believe every traveler should carry.

Not only can a good plan give you something to think about, the company behind it can often help guide you to a good doctor, help you with your emergency return home, pay for follow-up treatments if warranted, cover your lost or stolen goods, cover your canceled flights, and even pay for your hospital bills.

You can also give your family money if you don’t make it back home. Not something people like to talk about, but it’s a reality, whether you get in the car to get to work or to get on a plane to Rio. Leaving enough to help your family do what they need, will make their lives easier in times of hardship, and there is no price too high for that.


Where can you get a Travel Insurance in Qatar?

GoMosafer, one of the best travel agency in Qatar, has been in the tourism sector for now beyond 10+ years and we understand how difficult this decision is. That is why we assure you that when you buy your travel insurance from us , we shall ensure that every possible outcome is covered under the insurance.

We want you to travel with peace so that you can enjoy the mush deserved holiday that you are planning.

To know more how we can curate the insurance for you, WhatsApp us on 33235777, We are free to chat 24/7!
Trust us, we know how important this insurance is for you!

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